Sending warmest Aloha wishes to you as we have entered the special time of the year; at least in the U.S. after just celebrating its most important holiday ‘Thanksgiving’.
It is the unique time of the year to say Thank You and below you will find a small gift from all of us at Manta Ray Advocates, but before we open up the (electronic) gift box…
I am thankful for…
* my health, * my family, and * YOU!
I appreciate YOU for your support and allowing me to arrive in your inbox every other week to share the love for the mantas and the ocean. I will never take this for granted.
It is a healthy daily practice to acknowledge kindness and gratefulness in the big and small surrounding us. It is also beautiful in the many ways we can give thanks:
- Thank you for being an awesome Ocean Advocate
- Danke schön for caring for the graceful manta rays, and
- Mahalo for being the wonderful light shining onto the people around you.
As a gift to you, I dove into our archive and put together some images that are available to download here in high quality. You can use them as a desktop wallpaper or share with friends, family, and on social media.
eBook Release – it is live
It’s still mind-boggling how the world reacts to the rescue video of Notch the dolphin with over 100+ million views on social media.
It’s this never-ending motivation and enthusiasm within to keep telling his heart-warming true story of compassion and kindness to educate children about the importance of preserving the world’s ecosystems.
It’s been two years that the hardcover version of Notch, The Rescued Dolphin was self-published and TODAY we released the Notch ebook / Kindle on Amazon. It’s finally LIVE and we can reach many more young and old. YES!! YES!! YIPPIE!!
Quick recap: Amazon is a “beast” of its own and it would be wonderful to get as many eyes, shares, and reviews on the first few days after e-publication. Actually, the first day would be best. Notch will be setup in 10 different categories and if everything goes by plan, then we can achieve BESTSELLER status in more than one.
This is the goal and my dream 🙂
…and to make everything even better Notch’s eBook will be available at the incredible low introductory price of $0.99.
Come on over and grab the Kindle version of “Notch, The Rescued Dolphin” at the incredible low price of $0.99.
Here’s the new Kindle version link.
Off to a great start with exciting days ahead 🙂